How To (Finally) Achieve Your Solo Travelling Goals In 2017?

corporate tours and travels

Travelling alone is the single best gift you can give to yourself. No wonder millions of people across the world have‘travel solo’written at the top of their bucket list. However, sadly, only a handful of them have the real will and courage to tick it off. Among a host of reasons why people stall this dream, some are as absurd as lack of time and the (imaginary) thoughts of getting into troubles.

When was the first time you planned to be “a free soul” and explore new cities all by yourself? And when was the last time you actually did that?

Exactly our point!

2017 is already upon us. Make this year the best of your life. Write down the exciting travelling stories in your diary. Here are 8 ways to FINALLY achieve your solo travelling goals-

  1. Write Down Your Travelling Goals

It’s plain psychology that writing down your goals and going through them every so often motivates you. So write down all your travelling goals—the places you want to visit, the things you want to do and the experiences you want to experience—and go through them regularly. If the organization that you are in has no plans of any corporate tours and travels soon, then it is better to go for it all by your own with panache.

  1. Be Clear on Reasons Why You Want to Travel

Travelling just because others are doing it is a wrong reason to be on the road that will always fail to motivate you. So sort out the reasons why you want to travel; maybe it’s your wanderlust, you’re looking for an escape from your rugged-life, or want to meet new people. Know your ‘why’.

  1. Tell Others That You’re Going to Travel Alone

Being a big mouth is another thing that could keep you motivated and glued to your travelling goals. When others know, you’re tempted to stand true on your words and achieve the plans, thinking if you don’t ‘what they will say’. So give away your awesome solo travelling plans to your friends and families.

  1. Read Interesting Travelling Stories

The web is plagued with so many wonderful travelling stories – some beyond exceptional – that are highly inspiring. Seeing how others are bringing their dreams into reality and wandering without any big troubles will make you go “Why Can’t I?”

  1. Start Saving Early

Lack of money is the most common (and legit) reason why many people don’t travel. So, start saving early! Be asmart traveler—look for ways to escape the high cost and make your way through with a limited budget.

  1. Understand That The ‘World is Good’

Contrary to what you read on everyday’s news, the world isn’t bad. People are really good, helpful and kind—especially to the strangers. So train your mind to be positive, avoid thinking all the wrongs that you can encounter, and believe that every piece will fall in its right place.

  1. Act Spontaneously

Some of the best plans are made spontaneously. Period. So (smartly) act on your impulse, make plans as you go and don’t over-think.You’re going to love and enjoy the uncertainty that lies ahead.

  1. Have One of The Best Travel Agencies in India by Your Side

When travelling alone, there’s a whole lot to handle; and if it’s your first time, it might bring you down and eventually jinx your plans. So look for good and reliable tour agencies in India who actually specialize in individual travelling. Let them handle everything professionally (and affordably) while you mingle with the locals and enjoy the beautiful sceneries.

These are 8 ways that will help you finally pull-off your years of dreams to travel alone into reality. To quote author LailahGifty Akita, “May God guide you on the new travel path.”

How To (Finally) Achieve Your Solo Travelling Goals In 2017?

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