11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Coronavirus Quarantine

corporate tours and travels

It doesn’t have to be so bad…

Yes, your plan to go on a vacation with your kids this summer is off. Or, maybe you were planning a trip with your friends that might not happen any time soon now.

But then again, it doesn’t have to be so bad.

We are now in unprecedented times, in the midst of a pandemic, locked in our houses – quarantining, isolating.

While that isn’t jovial in itself, it is what it is and we all have the choice of how we take it. Perspective matters, after all.

You can either worry about your current state or you can simply make the most of it. Guess which one we suggest you do? 🙂

Here are 11 ways to make the most of your coronavirus quarantine:

1. Rest (and rest some more). Remember all those busy days when you craved for some sleep? This is it; this is the time for that. Just lay back and relax. Do nothing. Give your body the rest it has demanded for all these months and years.

2. Pick up some interesting eBooks. This is perhaps one of the best and most productive ways to spend your free time. And, of course, it’s super interesting. So, give a few ebooks of your favorite genre a read during this downtime.

3. If reading isn’t your thing, watching movies definitely is. Watch good movies – alone or with your family… Movies that leave you feeling good and excited; not depressed and frustrated. Do some research to create a list of such movies that you will watch in the next few weeks.

4. Do you know how to cook? This might be a great time to learn this art. Watch cooking shows, read recipes. Join your mum or spouse in the kitchen to help. Try new dishes. Knowing how to cook will take you a long way in life.

5. Plan your next vacation. Get together with your kids, spouse and/or parents and outline a plan for the next holiday trip. Which destination, what month, what would be the duration – decide on every big and small detail. And in case if the plan is to travel with your friends, webcam them!

6. When you’re at planning your travels, how about you also plan your first solo travel? It is one of life’s best experiences.

Read this: 37 Quick Tips to Make Your First Solo Trip Fun (And Safe)

7. Take up a few relevant online courses. There are many online platforms that offer many programs – from renowned universities. Most of them are even free. Check out Edx.org, Coursera and Udemy. Find a few courses that suit your interest and would add to your skills.

8. Start networking more with people in your industry. LinkedIn is the place to be on during this quarantine time if you want to widen your professional circle. Connect with the right people, strike conversations with them, and build a professional relationship with them.

9. Can you write? How about starting a blog, if yes? Blogging is extremely popular today. Plus, the top bloggers earn massive income through different sources. So, if you can write, you can start a blog. If not, you can start a YouTube channel or a podcast.

10. Update your résumé. If you’re looking for better career opportunities, use these few weeks to analyze and update your CV. See if something is missing to it. If there is, acquire more skills; improve your overall portfolio. Invest to turn yourself into an ideal candidate that companies would want to hire.

11. Take your health a bit seriously and start working out. Neither do you have to hit a gym, nor do you require any equipment. Do freehand exercises. Do yoga and meditation. Furthermore, focus on what you’re eating; start eating healthy foods. By the end of this lockdown, make sure you come out much healthier.

These are 11 things you can do to make the most of your coronavirus quarantine.

Of course, there are plenty of other things you can do.

In the end, the key is to understand that this period doesn’t have to be dull or waste. We can use this time to invest in ourselves, our families, and our relationships. So, don’t let it go dull and wasted. Do something. Do anything to make the quarantine period exciting and productive.

11 Ways to Make the Most of Your Coronavirus Quarantine

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