8 Health and Wellbeing Tips for Backpackers (And Hobby-Travelers)

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Backpacking is extremely fun. But it isn’t as fairytalesque as many movies (and YouTube videos) portray. Especially if you’re a complete novice at it, you will face certain challenges, including health and wellbeing scare. And you must stay prepared to sail your way through that.

It’s not easy. But that’s what makes the experience so thrilling and memorable.

To help you with that…

Here are 8 health and wellbeing tips for the backpackers and hobby-travelers:

1. This is a very obvious one but it’s worth mentioning. Take your time in picking a good destination. Avoid cities and countries that aren’t necessarily known for being traveler-friendly. Reserve these places for some time later in life when you have accrued enough traveling experience.

2. Do not push yourself. Neither is this Man vs. Wild, nor are you stuck in some wilderness. Backpacking is supposed to be fun and not feel like a tedious task. So, do not push yourself needlessly. Don’t walk too much without the rest. Don’t take up too many activities. Else, you’ll end up burned out, which will turn the experience bad.

3. Heed to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating. You’ve got to keep your fuel tank full. When exploring the city, meeting people, and jumping from one place to another – it’s common to overlook your diet. Don’t do this. Eat healthy foods – eat the right portion and eat at the right time. Always carry some healthy snacks with you for hunger pangs. The healthier you are, the more fun you will have.

4. Take some time out for basic workout and meditation. Maybe when you wake up, do some light stretches and freehand exercises. Spend 15-20 minutes doing meditation. This will keep your mind and body energized, keeping you in the ‘feel-good’ zone.

5. Follow basic safety and precautionary steps. For instance, always have someone know where you are. Know who to call and approach during any kind of emergency. Always have a backup to when your wallet/purse and the phone is stolen or lost. Avoid posting minute-by-minute updates on social media. Carry appropriate medicines. Keep photocopies of your important documents. Such small measures can keep you safe and tackle the problems effectively.

6. Keep your belongings safe. For the starters, invest in a good quality backpack that has multiple compartments. Take extra steps to secure your money and documents. Make sure the hostel or hotel you’re staying at is safe.

7. Plan the trip with a good travel agent. This is a much-preferred way if this is one of your first few backpacking trips. Have experts by your side to assist you through the process. Work with them to pick the right destination and make proper bookings. Plus, when you encounter any problem, you can always connect to that travel agency and find adequate help.

8. Go through the travel advisories from the government. The government regularly issues travel information for its citizens, intending to keep them safe. Such advisories might include the places you should avoid traveling and the diseases you should be careful about. So, do keep an eye on such official information from your government.

These are 8 simple health and wellness tips for the backpackers and hobby-travelers.

More people are backpacking today – and backpacking at exotic locations.

So, don’t stay behind in experiencing this unique and wonderful experience.

Take the basic health and wellness measures and enjoy a memorable backpacking trip.

Recommended Read: 37 Quick Tips to Make Your First Solo Trip Fun (And Safe)


8 Health and Wellbeing Tips for Backpackers (And Hobby-Travelers)

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